Tuesday 7 March 2017

You say soffits, I say soffshits

So in my last post, I talked about how installing the skylights was way easier than I thought it would be. We got them in with no injuries and no bad words – and no fights! ;-) The same cannot be said for the soffits – or as I refer them now, soffshits. Who knew that installing feather-light pieces of PVC would be so freakin’ hard!

The process sounded simple enough – measure the width of the eaves, cut the long pieces of soffshit down to the appropriate length on the chop saw, snap and screw each piece into place, and bing, bang, boom, job done. If only it was that simple… I kept cutting the soffshits too long, and it was way harder than I thought to slip each piece into the groove and snap it into place. I couldn’t see the groove, so I had to go by feel. I lost track of how many times I went up and down the ladder and how many screws I dropped. But finally, after 3-1/2 hours of frustration, success!

soffshits 4

soffshits 3

This, without a doubt,was the most frustrating job of the whole garage and house build so far. Even worse than taping the insulation in the crawl space in the middle of the summer, and trust me, that was NOT a fun job!

The good news is, this side is finished. The bad news is, there’s still the north side and the east & west ends to do.

So that being said, the next job is installing the second storey windows on the west end of the house… EEK!


Who thought that building our own house was a good idea?!

KB sig

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